Altoona Area High School (Altoona, PA)

Class Endowment Info
August 15, 2023
The committee overseeing the Class of 1970 Endowment fund met earlier this week. Paula Foreman of the AASD Foundation hosted the call. The discussion centered around two major topics that were seen as critical to encouraging greater involvement in building the fund.
The account is approaching $18,200. A generous donor has agreed to match our funds if we can achieve $5,000 by the end of the year. So far, we have received $2,400 in donations during the match period. Another $2,600 in contributions would trigger the first $5,000 match and push us beyond our initial $25,000 goal. This is a significant achievement considering the fund was only started about 16 months ago.
The Oversight Committee agreed that it is necessary to determine what the funds will be used for if we expect to increase the pool of donors and encourage current givers to consider this cause. The following plan was agreed to:
The use of the funds should be a project that is enduring and will last long after the class of 1970 is gone.
It is important that the project match well with the objectives of the AASD Foundation overall.
In order to move forward, the group requested that Paula Foreman would provide 3 to 5 funding opportunities for consideration, which are consistent with the foundation’s mission. Group members may also submit ideas.
If you have contributed, or are willing to contribute to this cause, you may submit ideas through the website using the email address: mailto:info@aahs1970.com.
The Oversight Committee will meet again in about 1 month, after the ideas have been submitted to finalize a plan. The group will build a Marketing Plan to publicize the objective and hopefully encourage new contributions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Classmates should understand that this Endowment is not being supported by funds donated to the website. It is an effort suggested by a group of classmates who have donated funds specific to this effort. We continue to encourage all of our classmates to consider helping in this endeavor. No contribution is too small! Instructions on donating can be found on the home page of our website in the article titled: EXCITING NEWS for our AAHS CLASS OF 1970 ENDOWMENT FUND!
AAHS Class of 1970 Endowment Fund
In spring 2022, several members of the Altoona Area High School Class of 1970, in part to commemorate their belated 50th reunion, partnered with the Altoona Area School District (AASD) Foundation to launch the “AAHS Class of 1970 Endowment Fund.”
The new endowment fund, currently with contributions/pledges of more than $17,960 and an overall goal of $25,000, was created as “a gift in perpetuity” to benefit the high school. The Class of 1970 is the first class to utilize a named endowment, which will literally “pay dividends” to the school for many years to come. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and contribute (either one-time or ongoing) to make this project a success.
Under the AASD Foundation, our tax-deductible contributions, will be pooled and invested until the $25,000 goal is reached sometime in the next few years. A small committee of class donors along with the foundation will be established to monitor and help guide the fund and determine how proceeds might best aid the high school.
The endowment fund will be discussed briefly at the AAHS Class of 1970 reunion on Saturday, July 30, 2022, in Altoona. Questions can always be directed to our website (info@aahs1970.com) or to Paula Foreman at the AASD Foundation by email (pforeman@altoonasd.com) or phone (814)-946-8424
1. Check payment:
Payable to: AASD Foundation (Write "AAHS Class of 1970" in the for/note/memo section.)
Address: AASD Foundation, 1201 8th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602
2. Online:
Click DONATE tab and then click Donate Online next to “AASD Foundation.” The "Campaign/Fund" button will default to the AASD Foundation.
When making your contribution, write in the "Donor Comments" section: "AAHS Class of 1970 Endowment Fund."