Relatives who have passed recently:
Our deepest condolences to classmate Max Scheeler and his family and friends on the passing of his mother, Janet M. Scheeler of Altoona, PA. She passed away on February 5th.
Randi and I have built a crossword puzzle for you to solve. It's all about Altoona and things our class should remember. Give it a try and let me know what you think. You may need to adjust your screen to fit all of it on. Let me know if you need help (
Even More Congratulations
AAHS Class of 1970!
Thanks to your generosity, we have passed our interim goal of $35,000 as the first Altoona Area High School graduating class to create an endowment through the Altoona Area School District (AASD) Foundation to benefit our alma mater. (In fact, the foundation reports $38,500 in the account.)
We continue to encourage every class member to become a partner and share in this endowment, so we can tell our children and grandchildren, friends and neighbors, that as an alumni class, we have created an enduring program to benefit biomedical science studies at the high school for many years to come. Every contribution is important, and no contribution is too small. Additional contributions will allow us to consider ways to possibly expand our participation with the foundation.
If you are interested in more information about the program beneficiary of our class endowment -- the Altoona Biomedical Science Pathway – CLICK HERE (NOTE: this is a big file...may take a few moments to load).
The endowment's Initial Funding Group expects to convene a meeting in June of 2025 in Altoona, hosted by the AASD Foundation, to discuss the fund and consider our first distribution to the the Altoona Biomedical Science Pathway program.
We also hope to plan another "Mini-Reunion". All classmates are invited to attend this event. More details to follow (there will be a need to register so we can provide space for all who wish to attend).
In the meantime, we hope you, and perhaps your families and friends, will consider further contributions to the endowment.
Directions for contributing are included below:
By Check: payable to AASD Foundation (Please write “AAHS Class of 1970” in the note/memo section of your check. Checks should be sent to: AASD Foundation, 1201 8th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602.
Online (credit card): Simply click the “Donate” link on the menu bar at the top. Then, click “Donate Online” next to “AASD Foundation”. The “Campaign/Fund” button will default to the AASD Foundation. When making your donation, please type: “AAHS Class of 1970 Endowment Fund” in the “Donor Comments” section to make sure the gift is categorized correctly.
Again, please be sure to designate our class fund with your donation so it will count toward the new match.
Again, congratulations and thanks to our AAHS Class of 1970.
Class Endowment Fund Progress

Check out our new videos page (click here). Thanks to Larry Callan for finding these videos on the High School and Roosevelt. Feel free to recommend other videos that you think the class might find interesting.
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