2009 is going to be a big year for my family.
On January 23rd, my daughter Cassandra and her husband Chris presented us with our new grand daughter, Callie Jean Elmore. She is a real cutie and the only down side is the fact that they live in the Birmingham, AL area (a bit further away than wy wife and I would like).
A couple weeks before Callie was born, my other daughter, Cayla and her husband Darin, found out that she was also pregnant. They are expecting our newest family member, Travis Angelo Hunneke, on September 28th!
Casandra and Cayla are twins and they were hoping to have their children at the same time (a twin thing, I guess), but it didn't quite work out.
Oh yes, and our other new addition this year is my new puppy, Trace. He flew in from Sacremento, CA on April 18th.
A very exciting year for the Walters family to say the least. I can hardly wait til next year to see what good things are in store for us then.