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Forum: I remember...


Football Games

Created on: 06/08/09 01:23 AM Views: 870 Replies: 9
Football Games
Posted Sunday, June 7, 2009 08:23 PM

I remember going to Mansion Park for the football games and the bonfires they had. We walked one night from Fairview to Mansion Park and back, and it was COLD!! What fun!

RE: Football Games
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 03:34 PM

I can't agree with you more. Like I said in my profile, nothing beats Altoona High Football. My family and I traveled up to Mansion Park the last couple of years when my daughter's high school played Altoona. What memories. We then went to the Altoona Hotel for pizza afterwards. The pizza is still the same.

RE: Football Games
Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2009 03:08 PM

The finest "hour" was always AAHS football; no doubt about it. The best memories during my years at AAHS. Fun, food, friends, cool crisp nights and usually a victory!!! No, there was nothing better in those days!!! Remember when Mike Reid played? Now, thoses were the teams!!! I also rememember a long bus trip to Gateway High in Pittsburgh and sitting during sleet and snow in that play off game (we will not talk about the end result...LOL)

RE: Football Games
Posted Saturday, September 19, 2009 12:25 PM

I remember the feeling I’d get when the band would start the cadence just before coming through the tunnel onto the field pre-game – I still get goose bumps every time I hear one. I may have been a Buckeye for the last 39 years, but AAHS had the “best damn band in the land”. Sorry OSU.

RE: Football Games
Posted Saturday, September 19, 2009 12:43 PM

Buckeye? Who DARED to say that word? This is "JoePa" of legends!!! GO PENN STATE...(sorry Karen)...LOL

RE: Football Games
Posted Saturday, September 19, 2009 01:34 PM

Now settle down, cowboy. I don't recall the word "fan" being attached to that Buckeye word. LOL!

RE: Football Games
Posted Saturday, September 19, 2009 06:41 PM

Well, reckon I can let you off with that clarification Karen. I'll just park my horse out back...LOL

RE: Football Games
Posted Sunday, September 20, 2009 10:09 PM

Hey Dennie I'm a guest on ur site, I graduated in 69 Maureen McGeary they also have Altoona Hotel Pizza at Peli's really super there too.

RE: Football Games
Posted Saturday, October 10, 2009 08:17 AM

Maureen welcome to the site. And thanks for the information. However I'm not sure where Peli's is at.

RE: Football Games
Posted Sunday, January 10, 2010 09:26 AM

spent the last 40 years getting splinters out of my arse from sitting on the bench at Mansion Park. Looking back, those were some of the greatest days of my life, surrounded by a bunch of great team members and wonderful coaches. Although I still ache from Jim Gardner's crabbing, Ron Rickens, Earl Strohm and the rest of the posse were great role models.