Came to Connecticut after graduating from Cornell University. Worked at Electric Boat building submarines for 7 years. Went to work for Northeast Utilitities and I have worked there for 27 years. I am married (32 years) and have 2 sons. My wife and I have lived in Old Lyme Connecticut for the past 23 years. I am the Scoutmaster in the town and enjoy camping, hiking and youth activity. Both sons are eagle scouts. I am also involved in a program called FIRST robotics, a worldwide organization that has as its purpose inspiring young people to go into science and engineering. Out high school team team is Team 236 The Techno Ticks (Old Lyme is the place where Lyme disease was first identified spread by Tick bites) FIRST website Team website Besides these two activites my hobbies are nature photography, kayaking, and traveling with my wife.