James Eichenlaub

Profile Updated: September 1, 2024
Residing In: Ormond Beach, FL USA

Catherine (Halton) Eichenlaub

Homepage: https://noeasystreet.com
Occupation: Making life meaningful day by day
Children: Joseph, born Dec 1967 (Director of Technology, Gray Communications)
Jeffrey, born Oct 1971 (Vice More…President of Business Development, SMB Dynamics, CO)
Joel, born Dec 1976 (Teacher 5th grade, Master's in Education)
Darcy, born May 1980 (Senior Accountant, Top Build, Daytona Beach, FL)
Military Service: U.S. Navy - Petty officer 2nd Class, Avionics  
Nickname(s)while at AAHS:



Sebastian - Paramedic/EMT/Emergency Room Technician - attending Daytona State College
Haleigh - Majoring in Environmental Sciences - University of Central Florida
Dylan - Junior @ Lawton Chiles High School, Tallahassee, FL


Married Kate Halton, class of 70, Feb 8, 1971

Updates and Life Events

Bachelor's Degree Business Administration: Flagler College, FL 2004
Master's of Science - Computer Technologies: Florida Institute of Tech. 2014

December 31, 2017, retired from Verizon Wireless

54th Wedding anniversary, February 8, 2025


Time does fly, does it not? In just a few months we will have watched 73 years roll by us (assuming that, like Kate and I, you were born in the 1951-52 time period.) It's difficult to believe that 54 years ago, we left behind those chalk-dusted halls and classrooms and went our merry, manic ways. All of us together, living our separate lives in different ways all at the same time.

Now, think about what stands before us as one of the members of the biggest comedy duos since Burns and Allan is about to set himself or herself at the helm of the greediest, most powerful nation of the world.

It's not surprising though, is it? Considering all that we've seen since we fried our brains in the '60s, discoed through the '70s, hip-hopped through the '80s and '90s, and then acquiesced into our jobs and careers since the world ended in 2000 when manic depression took over the planet. Zoloft and oxycodone became more popular than heroin, giving "big pharma" enough money to purchase the moon and half of the earth.

But here we are, in the golden years, where the only thing golden for most of us is our urine! Sorry! If you have not made it to retirement by now, my condolences.

I've recently learned that some gen-Xers et al. actually believe that seniors can live on SSI alone! How's that for delusional thinking? Anyway, we are where we are, and I wish you all the best. It's been a crazy, insane, and often very painful journey for many of us. But for those of you who came through it smiling, would you please send me some of whatever you were taking during the trip!? Take care ... my best to all.

School Story:

Left high school during senior year to enlist in the U.S. Navy. Completed school aboard ship and received my diploma while at sea in the North Atlantic. Served aboard several aircraft carriers including the USS Intrepid, and the USS Independence as an air-antisubmarine avionics technician with squadron VS-31 out of Quonset Point, RI, and later out of Jacksonville, FL. Enlisted August 1, 1969, and honorably discharged, Aug 1, 1974.

Junior High School Attended:

Keith Jr. High (John Latoe remembers me)

Elementary School Attended:

Wright Elementary (the old one) "Thank you Mr Farris"

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Sep 18, 2024 at 9:48 AM
James Eichenlaub changed his "Now" picture.
Sep 01, 2024 at 8:37 AM
James Eichenlaub changed his "Now" picture.
Sep 01, 2024 at 8:34 AM
Sep 01, 2024 at 8:04 AM

(The coming glory)

Our autumn has come

The tree to which we have clung

Is quickly shedding its leaves

The shadows grow longer 

The sun, for us, rides lower in the sky

Our beautiful, fresh colors fade

Giving way to the brilliant hues 

Of the passing of time and

Of what is to come

When life is recreated and we

Once more

Are lifted again 

By the glory of the coming Son


James Eichenlaub changed his "Now" picture.
Aug 26, 2024 at 3:59 PM
James Eichenlaub posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 24, 2022 at 9:21 AM

Posted on: Aug 06, 2022 at 7:36 AM

(Eccl. 9:11) "I saw something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; neither is the bread to the wise, the wealth to the intelligent, nor the favor to the skillful. For time and chance happen to all."

As with many others in these increasingly chaotic times, I am returning to the workforce. Having accepted a position at the Daytona Beach Advent Hospital, I am happy to say that I will support the nursing staff and patients as a Unit Liaison in the Patient Surgical Care Unit. I had always desired to work in the medical field, and this is likely as close as I will ever come to it. I will be Basic Life Support certified and a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant).

Many wanted to get together at the reunion, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt that I would remember anyone. Those few guys that I barely came to know back then are gone except one, and I doubt that he and I would cross paths,

Many things changed for me since retiring. I find that all the things I "thought" were of interest...those many things I "never had time for" during the working years...are not as interesting as I assumed they would be.

Music, for instance. I purchased a very expensive "Super 20 'b' flat trumpet" that I ended up giving to my grandson for use in the high school stage band. He graduated and it now sits in my study on the stand, tarnished and alone beneath the guitars that hang on the wall and adjacent to the clarinet on which I can play only one song, "Stranger on the Shore."

Besides those odd things, my faith in God has grown along with my knowledge of the realities and fallacies of religion. I find that I write a lot, and I think/meditate even more. That same eternal, internal battle we learned of from the Bible, the one that goes on inside each of us, rages on but is not as bad as it did before. (Romans 7:14-16)

Anyway, I hope each of you is fairing well these days, or as good as can be expected. From my perspective, things will worsen before they improve until that time that the one infallible leader whose laws and direction are acceptable to all, the one that will finally bring humanity to a united whole under God's Kingdom; until that time, I wish you well and pray for all.

James Eichenlaub changed his "Now" picture. New comment added.
Aug 06, 2022 at 7:21 PM

Posted on: Aug 06, 2022 at 6:36 AM

James Eichenlaub changed his "Now" picture.
Jun 03, 2021 at 11:20 AM
James Eichenlaub added a photo to his profile gallery. New comment added.
Jan 23, 2020 at 10:25 AM

Posted on: Jan 23, 2020 at 10:10 AM

James Eichenlaub added a photo to his profile gallery.
Jan 23, 2020 at 10:10 AM
James Eichenlaub posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 12, 2019 at 7:42 PM

Posted on: Jul 08, 2019 at 10:50 AM

Having lived through Don McLean's, American Pie, we are a generation the likes of which will never be seen again, as they say. Our school years were, without doubt, our 'formative' years, and for myself...as one who does NOT recall those year with fondness, I say to all those who belittled, punched, slapped, ignored, laughed at, and ridiculed me: I thank you!

To those few whom I do fondly remember (Randy, Ralph, and Will) I say thank you as well, you made those last few year tolerable enough, and there were so many others I knew only in passing; those to whom I was just another kid in school and who generally ignored me; I thank you for not being unkind.

A special thanks to Ted P., who tried to bring me up in stature and style but was unable to rescue me from my darkness. To Fred C., who was a giant among students and who often kept the bullies off of me, and to Amy D. (with whom I had a torrid love affair, but she never knew about it because we never spoke to one another), and to whom I looked forward to passing in the hall and would walk as near to her as I possibly could, and scurried away when she looked in my direction.

We can attribute our successes and failures, to some degree, on those years we spent together. To some, the happiest years of their lives, to others, just a passing mirage of friendships where hearts and minds connected with one another to form this succession of timeless acquaintances. To some few of us, however; it was a time when we were convinced that we lived outside the norm and standard; the small, the inept, the presumed indolent whose lives sprung from poverty and lacked erudition.

Finally, to Mr. Butler who, during orientation, convinced me that high school was not for me when he said, “Eichenlaub…another dropout like the rest of your lazy family,” setting the tone with which I would attend to the next few years of my ‘learning’. But, as it turns out, those words echoed in my mind through all these years and actually became a proponent of my success. Thank you Mr. Butler.

James Eichenlaub changed his "Then" picture.
Jul 02, 2019 at 3:14 PM
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Posted: Jun 03, 2021 at 11:22 AM
Posted: Jun 03, 2021 at 11:22 AM